Sometimes you need a customer to remind you that your products may require some explanation, you the seller may understand them but you need your customers to understand them also.
In the last two weeks I have had two separate customers ask me "what is the difference between split-link chain and welded link".
Their question was not actually the physical difference as that is as the names suggest - split-link you can open the link up and then close it again, welded link you cannot. Their question was really what are the benefits of one chain type over the other.
As I have explained split-link chain you can open the link up pass it through a closed loop on your chandelier or ceiling rose and then re-close the link. This is beneficial for lighter weight chandeliers etc and does away with the need for extra fittings to attach the chain to the chandelier or rose.
At present we have split-link chains that take up to 20kgs however we recommend that you do not take a chain up to its maximum weight loading; this is a safety precaution in case you have under weighed the item, when installing items of weight it is best to err on the side of caution.
Welded link chains do not have the option to open up links and so you require additional fitting components if you have closed loops on your chandelier or ceiling rose, these components are available from our website.
Welded link chains are available in lower weight loadings with the heavier weight bearing chains being more popular with the chandeliers, lanterns, lights and mirrors exceeding 18kg. Our 50kg weight load chain comes in 4 finishes, brass, silver, antique and black, with its simple link design in 1" available in a choice of lengths this chain is chosen by customers for projects requiring a chain to take weight loading from 10kg upwards.
If you require a chain with a more substantial weight bearing load please contact us.
As with all installation components you need to weight load test your chain and fittings prior to installation. Please contact us if you have any queries by email or telephone 01206332938.
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